OPEN 18:00 / START 19:00
THE ARISTOCRATS (ジ・アリストクラッツ)
GUTHRIE GOVAN (ガスリー・ゴーヴァン):Guitar
MARCO MINNEMANN(マルコ・ミネマン):Drums
BRYAN BELLER(ブライアン・ベラー):Bass
- ★【CLUB CITTA'ホームページ 先行予約】チケット受付終了致しました。
- ★【CLUB CITTA'ホームページ 予約販売】チケット受付終了致しました。
THE ARISTOCRATS来日公演中止のお知らせ 【2020.08.07更新】
6/23(火)【大阪】BIGCAT、6/24(水)【川崎】CLUB CITTA’にて開催を予定しておりましたTHE ARISTOCRATS(ジ・アリストクラッツ) 来日公演は、新型コロナウイルス感染症による国内外の状況を考慮し、アーティスト側と延期日程調整の方向で協議を重ねてまいりましたが、未だ終息の見通しがつかず、スケジュールの確実な調整が計れない為、一旦公演を中止とさせて頂くことになりました。
■チケットぴあ http://t.pia.jp/guide/refund.jsp
■ローソンチケット https://l-tike.com/oc/lt/haraimodoshi/
■e+ https://eplus.jp/refund1/
■楽天チケット https://ticket.rakuten.co.jp/change/
クラブチッタ「ジ・アリストクラッツ 払い戻し係り」まで
【THE ARISTOCRATS “YOU KNOW WHAT…? JAPAN TOUR 2020”ツアー特設ページ】https://clubcitta.co.jp/001/thearistocrats2020-jp/
【6/23(火)大阪公演】 BIGCAT 06-6258-5008
【6/24(水)川崎公演】クラブチッタ 044-246-8888(平日12:00~19:00) / infoclubcitta@clubcitta.co.jp
【ツアー総合問合せ】 有限会社 ジョイフルノイズ 06-6644-9292
Announcement of cancellation of THE ARISTOCRATS "YOU KNOW WHAT…? JAPAN TOUR 2020"
We regret to announce that a Japan tour of THE ARISTOCRATS 2020 scheduled for June 23 (Tue) at BIGCAT in Osaka, and June 24 (Wed) at CLUB CITTA' in Kawasaki needs to be unavoidably cancelled due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) spread all over the world. Although we have discussed over and over with Artist in order to reschedule the show dates, we still have no prospect on the end of the spread, and it is too difficult to find good dates on this tour. Regrettably, we have to conclude to cancel the tour this time.
We deeply apologize to all people concerned who have been looking forward to the shows. Your understandings on this matter would be appreciated.
For all the ticket purchasers, we ask you to proceed with a ticket refund. Please check the following procedure.
【How to get a refund】
●Those who purchased at CLUB CITTA' (MORE members, Purchase at CLUB CITTA' webpage)
We will send total amount of cash of ticket price and S&H fee by registered mail within this August. Your waiting for a while would be appreciated.
●Ticket PIA, LAWSON TICKET, eplus and Rakuten Ticket customers
Refund Period【Saturday August 8, 2020 10:00AM ~ Sunday September 13, 2020 11:59PM】
During the refund periods above, refunds will be available at the store and/or convenience store for each ticket agency (playguide) which you have purchased. Please visit the store where you printed ticket(s) and bring your ticket(s) with you.
For customer who has not printed the ticket(s) yet, who has picked up "Direct Delivery", and/or who has a difficulty to go to the store where you have printed out, for further details about Ticket Refund Instructions, please go to URL for each ticket agency (playguide) as follows:
□Ticket PIA □LAWSON TICKET □eplus □Rakuten Ticket【NOTE】Refund cannot be made after the refund period.
●Those who purchased at diskunion, WORLD DISQUE, RECOfan Shibuya BEAM shop, Tower Records Kawasaki shop
Please send ticket(s) to the address below by postal mail. All envelopes of ticket(s) must be postmarked on or before Sunday September 13, 2020.
Delivery address:
5-7 Ogawacho, Kawasaki-Ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 210-0023
We will send cash of ticket price by registered mail within this September.
*For postage cost when you send ticket to CLUB CITTA', a like amount of stamp will be enclosed.
We have tried to make every effort to postpone the shows, but we feel very sorry to advise this final decision especially to the customers who looked forward to the shows. Furthermore, we apologize for this late notice.
Continuously, we pray for the safety and health of all of you, and we hope that people who have been infected with COVID-19 (Coronavirus) will recover shortly. Also, we wish that things could settle down as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your understandings.
For further enquiry,
【June 23(Tue)Osaka】 BIGCAT 06-6258-5008
【June 24(Wed)CLUBCITTA'/Kawasaki】 044-246-8888(weekdays 12:00~19:00) / infoclubcitta@clubcitta.co.jp
【Total Enquiry】Joyful Noise Co. 06-6644-9292
THE ARISTOCRATS来日公演中止のお知らせ 【2020.08.07更新】
6/23(火)【大阪】BIGCAT、6/24(水)【川崎】CLUB CITTA’にて開催を予定しておりましたTHE ARISTOCRATS(ジ・アリストクラッツ) 来日公演は、新型コロナウイルス感染症による国内外の状況を考慮し、アーティスト側と延期日程調整の方向で協議を重ねてまいりましたが、未だ終息の見通しがつかず、スケジュールの確実な調整が計れない為、一旦公演を中止とさせて頂くことになりました。
■チケットぴあ http://t.pia.jp/guide/refund.jsp
■ローソンチケット https://l-tike.com/oc/lt/haraimodoshi/
■e+ https://eplus.jp/refund1/
■楽天チケット https://ticket.rakuten.co.jp/change/
クラブチッタ「ジ・アリストクラッツ 払い戻し係り」まで
【THE ARISTOCRATS “YOU KNOW WHAT…? JAPAN TOUR 2020”ツアー特設ページ】https://clubcitta.co.jp/001/thearistocrats2020-jp/
【6/23(火)大阪公演】 BIGCAT 06-6258-5008
【6/24(水)川崎公演】クラブチッタ 044-246-8888(平日12:00~19:00) / infoclubcitta@clubcitta.co.jp
【ツアー総合問合せ】 有限会社 ジョイフルノイズ 06-6644-9292
Announcement of cancellation of THE ARISTOCRATS "YOU KNOW WHAT…? JAPAN TOUR 2020"
We regret to announce that a Japan tour of THE ARISTOCRATS 2020 scheduled for June 23 (Tue) at BIGCAT in Osaka, and June 24 (Wed) at CLUB CITTA' in Kawasaki needs to be unavoidably cancelled due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) spread all over the world. Although we have discussed over and over with Artist in order to reschedule the show dates, we still have no prospect on the end of the spread, and it is too difficult to find good dates on this tour. Regrettably, we have to conclude to cancel the tour this time.
We deeply apologize to all people concerned who have been looking forward to the shows. Your understandings on this matter would be appreciated.
For all the ticket purchasers, we ask you to proceed with a ticket refund. Please check the following procedure.
【How to get a refund】
●Those who purchased at CLUB CITTA' (MORE members, Purchase at CLUB CITTA' webpage)
We will send total amount of cash of ticket price and S&H fee by registered mail within this August. Your waiting for a while would be appreciated.
●Ticket PIA, LAWSON TICKET, eplus and Rakuten Ticket customers
Refund Period【Saturday August 8, 2020 10:00AM ~ Sunday September 13, 2020 11:59PM】
During the refund periods above, refunds will be available at the store and/or convenience store for each ticket agency (playguide) which you have purchased. Please visit the store where you printed ticket(s) and bring your ticket(s) with you.
For customer who has not printed the ticket(s) yet, who has picked up "Direct Delivery", and/or who has a difficulty to go to the store where you have printed out, for further details about Ticket Refund Instructions, please go to URL for each ticket agency (playguide) as follows:
□Ticket PIA □LAWSON TICKET □eplus □Rakuten Ticket【NOTE】Refund cannot be made after the refund period.
●Those who purchased at diskunion, WORLD DISQUE, RECOfan Shibuya BEAM shop, Tower Records Kawasaki shop
Please send ticket(s) to the address below by postal mail. All envelopes of ticket(s) must be postmarked on or before Sunday September 13, 2020.
Delivery address:
5-7 Ogawacho, Kawasaki-Ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 210-0023
We will send cash of ticket price by registered mail within this September.
*For postage cost when you send ticket to CLUB CITTA', a like amount of stamp will be enclosed.
We have tried to make every effort to postpone the shows, but we feel very sorry to advise this final decision especially to the customers who looked forward to the shows. Furthermore, we apologize for this late notice.
Continuously, we pray for the safety and health of all of you, and we hope that people who have been infected with COVID-19 (Coronavirus) will recover shortly. Also, we wish that things could settle down as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your understandings.
For further enquiry,
【June 23(Tue)Osaka】 BIGCAT 06-6258-5008
【June 24(Wed)CLUBCITTA'/Kawasaki】 044-246-8888(weekdays 12:00~19:00) / infoclubcitta@clubcitta.co.jp
【Total Enquiry】Joyful Noise Co. 06-6644-9292